Retirement Planning

You Only Have One Shot at Retirement. We Offer Financial Planning so You can Retire with Ease

Why lie awake at night not knowing how prepared you are?

At 56 Capital Partners, we don’t put your retirement to chance and nor should you; stop clicking buttons in those online retirement calculators with generic responses and start by telling us your goals and how you feel about retirement. The most crucial step in retirement planning is getting to know each other and developing rapport. There will be trials and tribulations in retirement planning and you want to have a team with you who understands and prepared contingencies for you.

Our Retirement Planning process starts with these personalized solutions:

  • Meeting with you and your family to hear about your retirement thoughts and concerns.
  • Collecting information on what you have done thus far to prepare for your future.
  • Acting as a fiduciary to analyze and develop a personalized solution to your retirement goals.
  • Educating you on all parts of the plan and holding your hand through implementation to include quarterbacking the rest of your team such as CPAs, estate attorneys, business consultants, etc.
  • Regularly reviewing your financial situation, personal level goals, and income needs.
  • Being able and willing to adjust your plan as your needs change and life throws us curveballs.
  • Ongoing monitoring and analysis of the financial and political markets to keep you informed.
  • Transitioning your wealth onto the next generation and legacy objectives such as charities or churches.

Retirement Investment Considerations- an Important Aspect of Retirement Planning

Retirement Investment Considerations- an Important Aspect of Retirement Planning

When it comes to investing for retirement and retirement planning, the conversation evolves to a greater level of concern. 56 Capital Partners approaches income planning with a higher standard thinking about second and third derivatives that often reward more income than the initial decision such as:

  • Hedging the portfolio to mitigate downside risk and volatility.
  • Calculating dividend and interest calendars so you know when income is coming in.
  • Using derivatives, commodities, futures, and alternative investments to generate additional income.
  • Investing proactively with future required minimum distributions (RMDs) in mind instead of reactively.
  • Setting up distribution schedules to cover second home, travel, or gift payments.
  • Maximizing social security and pension claiming strategies.
  • Mitigating long-term tax ramifications based on investment and account types in alignment with other personally held assets like family businesses, gold, art…

Call us today to set up a retirement planning consultation at our Colorado Springs, CO office.

If you go back to work we want it to be by choice not because you have to!