Keeping Cool During Market Heat Waves

As the days grow longer and warmer we have more time on our hands to review where we stand with our investments. Now is a good time to review how the prior year went and what is currently going on. Review a broad picture of the markets as well so you...

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Reading List 2023

Happy 2024! Time slow down! Pull up a chair in your favorite spot and enjoy our compiled list of books from this past year. We have been slacking on our reading this year, but hope that you enjoy the list and the read of the year " ...

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Traveling Tips for the Summer

We hope that you have a fun and adventurous trip planned for the Summer of 2023 to a faraway land where you will be eating exotic foods and relaxing however you see fit. If not, it is not too late for you to plan something. Summer travel can be...

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Reading List 2023

Happy 2023! 2022 flew by, but somehow books were still read. Please enjoy our compiled list of books from this past year. There are a few books that are the reads of the year (The Psychology of Money made it on the list again!), so if you read...

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Being a Mom and What is Most Important Financially

It feels good to be back in the seat of my office and helping those around me achieve their financial goals and dreams. Maternity leave came and went too quickly but I am thankful that my son Rhys and I are happy and healthy. I thought I would share...

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Adjusting Spending Habits During Inflation

Meats, poultry, fish and eggs, fruits and vegetables, electricity, utility (piped) gas service, airline fares, household cleaning products, and rent of primary residences are being hit the hardest with price increases due to inflation. What does that...

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Reading List 2022

We know how busy everyone is but just wanted to give you our updated reading list for the year. We love to read and this years list is a little longer than usual with the team doing additional education. We have each chosen a book or two we enjoyed...

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Widowed and Navigating Finances

Losing a family member can be tough but losing the one you spent your life with can be devastating. Whether it is a sudden loss or one that you had time to prepare for, it is never easy. Add on top of grieving all the arduous things you must do...

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What Color Are You?

Ever wonder why you struggle with understanding your teammates, your boss or even your friends? It is simple! We are not alike in terms of personalities or the way we think. We each function in a way that works for us, but rarely do we try to learn...

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Don't Be Like Celebrities Who Make Big Financial Mistakes

This is not a topic we are unfamiliar with as we have seen many celebrities rise, fall, and never rise again. You might ask how someone with the wealth of those stars make big mistakes just as I asked, but they are human just as we are. They...

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Want a Challenge? See how many you can read on the 2021 Reading List

2020 proved to be a good time to get some 'light' reading in. We have compiled a list of reads for those that would like to know more about a wide array of topics (more than just finance). Happy New Year and we hope you enjoy some of these...

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Collaborate with Your Advisor

The definition of collaborate is to work jointly with others, or together, especially in an intellectual endeavor. Why is the topic of collaborating with your advisor so important? When starting the process of hiring a financial advisor, you have...

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Time to Update Your Estate Plan

Estate planning is an umbrella term for many different topics that fall under it. Some topics that fall under the term are wills, trusts, and powers of attorneys. With the havoc COVID-19 has wreaked on the globe, it has shown many people where their...

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Planning Ahead is not so Dumb Afterall

What a roller coaster year it has been so far! Markets down 34% and rallies back up with record breaking numbers. COVID-19 has taken over our everyday lives which has created chaos in the job market, supply chains and pretty much every aspect of the...

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Children are our future, but what is their future?

As states begin opening up and countries around the world are slowly returning to normal, we must ask ourselves what the fallout might be. Those closer to retirement or those already in retirement were more heavily invested in fixed income securities....

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How to Stay Upbeat While Dealing With a New Way of Life

What day is it? Weekdays are blurring into weekends and clothing consists of pajamas or a track suit! Routine, routine, routine. I have read a number of articles on how imperative it is to have a routine and keep a routine while we are dealing with...

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Visceral Reaction to Socialism not Capitalism

I became physically ill when I saw Jim Cramer's combined headlines; how could people possibly care about a record week of stock market gains when 16M+ American's are out of work! How have we lost our way so gravely? Where has our integrity,...

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The Importance of an Emergency Fund: Highlighted by the Coronavirus Pandemic

An emergency fund account is a liquid savings account that should only be used in times of extreme hardship or unexpected expenses. We often recommend that individuals have an account with at least 3-6 months' worth of expenses depending on...

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Keep Calm and Carry On

Part of the responsibility of a good advisor is when panic strikes we keep calm and carry on. Prior to the fastest downturn in history, the largest point draw-down in the Dow and a plethora of record bad things we had a plan. We are staying calm and...

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New 2020 Reading List

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi We keep learning as every day passes. At 56 Capital Partners we are committed to providing you with knowledge. We strive to learn something new on a...

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